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A Drone is an Unmanned Ariel Vehicle (UAV)/Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) capable of autonomous flight and DroneWarz allows you to adapt these aircraft to fight in flight. Get ready to see something straight out of a sci-fi movie. Introducing.... DroneWarz!
Our big event is our CTF (Capture the Flag) Drone Cage Match held annually at DEFCON. This is a CTF like no other. The DroneWarz CTF offers unique flags that bridge all villages of DEFCON into a single game. You will need some serious skill to win in this highly competitive arena. Enter at your own risk and be ready to make friends because the audience may also choose sides and join the game!
In addition to our CTF, DroneWarz also offers drone hacking training, unique games, hacking objectives, contests, and challenges which are designed to harness innovation and have fun with emerging UAV technologies. Join us and engage our drone testing benches with several challenges that will allow you to explore drones in ways that will inspire and ignite an industry in flight! Get ready to Fight in Flight! Join DroneWarz today!
Flight | Fight

Find your area of interest at DroneWarz and explore UAV as never before...​
Find your area of interest at DroneWarz and explore UAV as never before...​