About InfoWarCon
About InfoWarCon
InfoWarCon is an invitational cyber congress held annually in Washington DC. The InfoWarCon 18 Theme is MISINFORMATIONISM.
Venue: National Conference Center, Oct.30-Nov. 3 2018
Visit InfoWarCon here

Drones and Electronic Warfare
Two Day Course-Oct. 30 and Oct. 31, 2018
Trainers – DroneWarz
$1150 – includes conference attendance
$800- training only
Whether used for search and rescue after an earthquake, smuggling drugs over a prison wall, or military reconnaissance drones are everywhere. In this two day course we examine the ecosystem from manufacture to employment. We go over the Legal requirements and technical aspects from subsystems to frequency manipulation. To help in planning and evaluating technologies we examine the fundamentals of electronic attack and protection. Students who complete the training will know what to consider for drone and counter drone employment and how to evaluate vendor technologies to get past the marketing fluff. Students will have hands on with different drones and the ability to build an auto-tracking defensive turret.
PREREQS: Experience with systems concepts (supply chain, operator, and communication), radio wave propagation, or drone operation is a plus. If you have worked with wireless networks and had to deal with antennas and signal interference that is a plus. A willingness to learn and apply the knowledge of small teams to problem sets will make sure you succeed.
AUDIENCE: Security architects; facility protection, and planners for government operations
MATERIAL: Laptop, a willingness to experiment, and an interest in collaboration.